Our Policy Recommendations on Purpose Trust Ownership
New guidance for federal agencies and state legislators
In a new white paper we’ve been compiling for the last few months, we identify how federal and state-level policymakers can make to support the growth of purpose trust ownership. We’re excited to get this out into the world!
Background: Supported by a grant from Schmidt Futures, in partnership with Sandra Raafat from Common Trust, and with feedback from many of you dear readers, the EO+WD team has been gathering policy recommendations to support the growth of purpose trust ownership in the United States.
In context: As was clear from this year’s Employee Ownership Ideas Forum, employee ownership has some serious policy momentum.
The ESOP Association, Lafayette Square Foundation, and the National Center for Employee Ownership push forward policy changes in support of employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs).
The Democracy at Work Institute, The US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, and Project Equity focus on policy supportive of worker cooperatives.
The gap: Purpose trust ownership has lacked dedicated policy support, though the actors listed above have worked to include employee ownership trusts in their broad-based employee ownership legislation.
One notable exception: Purpose Owned and Susan Gary worked together to codify stewardship trusts in Oregon and have supported legislative changes in Illinois and Texas.
This report aims to fill that gap by offering recommendations to leaders of federal agencies, state-level policymakers, and local-level advocates.
In brief: Below is what we recommend; you can read the rest of the white paper here. Don’t miss the appendix on existing state-level policies.
Federal Policy Options
Clarify IRS tax criteria for purpose trusts
Enable seller participation in governance without estate tax impacts
Implement estate and gift tax reductions and capital gains exemptions
Fund SBA research into purpose trust impacts and best practices
Issue clarifications on using SBA loans for transitioning to these structures
Update the SCORE Mentor program to focus on business succession
Pilot an SBA program offering loans for purpose trust transitions
Exempt purpose trusts from personal loan guarantee requirements
Ease CDFI lending to purpose trusts
Embed employee ownership into well-funded workforce development programs through the upcoming WIOA reauthorization
State and Local Policy Options
Waive rules against perpetuities and allow trusts without ascertainable beneficiaries
Explore state-specific legislative models for purpose trusts
Relax ownership requirements for purpose trust professional service businesses
Extend employee ownership conversion tax credits to purpose trusts
Include look-through provisions for purpose trusts in state contracting
Establish employee ownership offices/commissions within economic development agencies, providing purpose trust transition resources and connections
Boost awareness and adoption through local campaigns, workshops, incentives, and highlighting successful examples of purpose trust ownership
Go Deeper: Read the full white paper here. And for the design-minded readers in our audience, stand by for a more beautiful version—we just couldn’t wait to get it in your hands!